Arm Reduction

Overview (Arm Reduction)

Arm Lift – a cosmetic surgery procedure performed under general or local anaesthetic to remove stubborn deposits of fat from the upper arms “bingo wings”. The scar runs from the armpit to the elbow.

Arm reduction, also known as brachioplasty, is an operation to reduce the amount of loose skin on the upper arm, often referred to as “bingo wings” or “bat wings”. This is most common after substantial weight loss which may result in loose, sagging skin that can not be improved through regular physical activity and a healthy balanced diet.

During the operation, Mr Nduka makes cuts on the inner and under surfaces of your arm, sometimes from the armpit to as low as the elbow. Excess skin and fat are removed and the remaining skin is stretched and stitched back together. The operation generally results in slimmer, smoother upper arms. However, there will be visible scarring that may extend from the armpit to the elbow. Mr Nduka will discuss this with you prior to your operation.

Arm reduction surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic and you may need to stay in the hospital overnight. You will also need to plan time off work so that you can relax and recover at home. All operations carry risks as well as benefits. The chance of complications following arm reduction surgery depends on the type of operation and other factors such as your general health. Mr Nduka will explain how the risks apply to you.

After your surgery

You should not experience a significant amount of pain. However, suitable pain relief should be provided by your surgeon/anaesthetist.

The Risks

• Complications from arms reduction surgery are rare but may include infection, bleeding and excessive scarring.

Book a consultation


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