Please read below some of the most common questions;


  • I am concerned about breast implant safety following recent media articles; where can I find further information and advice?

    A statement by The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) on Channel 4 Dispatches programme aired on 24 June 2019 and concern over the safety of breast implants. Please follow this link for advice and reassurance regarding breast implants

  • Would it be possible to achieve a completely natural look with breast implants?

    Yes, although you need to discuss with Mr Nduka the sort of result you are seeking. Showing photos is a good way to ensure that you are communicating your ideal result. The shape and size of the implant would really depend on your desired result, your chest measurement, and your skin elasticity, but the skill of your surgeon would definitely play a big role in achieving your desired result.

  • I had silicone implants after my child was born 18 years ago. When does one need to replace them?

    There is no timeline as to when you have to change your implants. The reasons why implants are changed are complications such as capsular contracture and bottoming out, or the patient wants to change the size. If there are no problems associated with the implants and you are satisfied with the size and shape of the current implants, there is no reason for you to replace them. It is recognised that the risk of rupture increases after 10 years so an assessment would best be performed if there are any changes.

  • Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation: What is the difference between the two?

    Breast lifts (mastopexy) only addresses the sag or drooping of the breasts and make them perkier. Breast augmentation addresses the lack of volume of the breasts and their overall shape. These two surgical procedures may be combined to produce more contoured breasts and, depending on the patient's chest dimensions, could give a better overall appearance.

  • Should I have a bigger implant in the smaller breast to improve symmetry?

    Choosing the right implant size is an complex process. You will have to be examined personally as sizes depends on various factors, such as chest wall measurements, skin elasticity, your desired outcome and your surgeon's skills and techniques. Sizers may also help in determining your desired size. Be sure to discuss this thoroughly with your surgeon before deciding on the final size you'd be satisfied with. In some cases, removing a small amount of breast tissue so that identically sized implants can be used is the best option.

  • Is having a breast augmentation OK between kids?

    Generally, patients are advised to complete their pregnancies before having breast augmentation. This will ensure a long-term results. Pregnancy causes physiological and physical changes in the breasts and may alter the result of a breast augmentation. However, some patients have reported positive outcomes of breast augmentation even after a pregnancy. Your best course of action is to schedule an appointment for a detailed discussion of your options.

  • How soon can you shower after your BA? Or do you need to take sponge baths?

    Mr Nduka advises that you can shower 48 hours after surgery. Soaking in a bath will cause the dressings to come loose and is not advised for hygiene reasons.

  • Is it possible that the swelling goes down on one breast but not the other?

    It is possible to have different degrees of swelling as each breast has a different healing rate. This causes temporary asymmetry which should resolve on its own as your body heals in the coming months. One possible reason is using one arm more than the other (mothers carrying young children on the hip are at risk of this), or sleeping on one side too soon after surgery.

  • What is the likelihood of receiving uneven breasts as a result of breast augmentation?

    Most people have some degree of asymmetry if properly assessed, and this is normal. There really is no such thing as perfect symmetry. Breast augmentation does not address the pre-existing asymmetry of the breasts, it only enlarges what you already have. Although different sized implants may help even out the breasts, the chances of having asymmetrical breasts even after surgery depends entirely on your pre-op measurements. If the heights of your nipples vary a lot, this may be adjustable. Mr Nduka will give you a good indication of the likely outcome of your surgery.

  • Is it normal to have swelling after breast augmentation and for how long?

    Swelling is a normal healing mechanism of the body. It may persist for a few weeks to a few months but usually resolves on its own. You will be reviewed at around two weeks then at around 6-8 weeks after surgery, but if you have any specific concerns Mr Nduka is happy to see you as required.

  • I'm 18 and was wondering if I could get a breast augmentation with silicone implants?

    You are almost certainly still too young to undergo a breast augmentation surgery using silicone implants as your body may still be undergoing changes. However, if you are keen on having a breast augmentation, it would be best to schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon for an in-person examination and a detailed discussion of your surgical options.

  • When is it safe to start massaging my new breasts?

    If you have smooth implants then you should start massage at 2 weeks. Mr Nduka has a video demonstrating how this should be done. If you have textured implants, massage is not required.

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