Ear Surgery

Overview (Ear Surgery)

Ear Surgery- also known as otoplasty, correction of bat ears, correction of prominent ears. A procedure commonly performed under local anaesthetic to re-shape the ear and bring it closer to the side of the head.

Protruding ears are often a family characteristic; in some cases, one ear is more prominent than the other and many people feel self-conscious about them. Ear pinning, also known as otoplasty or pinnaplasty, is an operation to pin back your ears so that they lie closer to your head.

During ear pinning, Mr Nduka makes a cut behind your ear, close to the groove between your ear and your head. Adjustments are then made to the cartilage so that your ear lies closer to your head. If the lobe of your ear is especially large you may choose to have a small procedure to reduce its size. Ear pinning is most often performed during childhood (after the age of five). This can also be performed on adolescents and adults.

The operation will be carried out using a local or general anaesthetic and you may be in the hospital for one to two days. Mr Nduka will advise what is appropriate for you.

You need to wear a dressing on the ears for five to 10 days after surgery for protruding ears. After this time you may need to wear protective headgear in bed. This is to prevent your ears from being bent forwards while they heal. There will be a scar on the ear where the cut is made but this is generally very well hidden. Mr Nduka will discuss this with you prior to your operation.

Associated Risks

All operations carry risks as well as benefits. The chance of complications following surgery for protruding ears depends on the type of operation. And other factors such as your general health. Mr Nduka will explain how the risks apply to you.

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